Is Broccoli Good for Dogs? Smith’s Farm Broccoli Experts Explain

A black dog with a fluffy coat is lounging on a brown leather couch next to a green toy resembling broccoli, sparking the curious question: Is broccoli good for dogs to eat?.

Nestled in the heart of Presque Isle, ME, we are proud to be one of the largest suppliers of broccoli on the East Coast. While we’re experts in growing top-quality broccoli and cauliflower, it’s important to note that we are not veterinarians! However, our extensive experience in farming and understanding of fresh produce allows us […]

Maine Growing Season: The Cycle Continues 

A tractor in a field during the Maine growing season, with trees in the background.

The Culmination of the Maine Growing Season As nature’s canvas transforms into a vibrant display of colorful leaves and crisp frosty mornings start to greet us, we at Smith’s Farm are reminded of the cyclical beauty that signifies not only the approaching winter season but also the culmination of our Maine growing season. We invite […]

Ensuring Safe Produce: Smith’s Farm Earns Perfect Score!

Two men are safely packing lettuce in boxes on a truck.

In an era where consumers prioritize their health and well-being more than ever before, the significance of food safety cannot be overstated. Ensuring that the food we consume is free from harmful contaminants and toxins is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We are proud to announce that we recently conducted a food […]